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Is Hidden Hunger Real? The Invisible Threat to Global Health

Hidden hunger is a big problem around the world as it affects 56% of school-age kids globally.

Our bodies face a massive obstacle when they don’t get all the nutrients they need to be strong and healthy. 

It can show up in different ways. This includes when families can’t find the right foods to eat or don’t have all the right nutrients. In simpler terms, hidden hunger is a quality issue and not a quantity issue. 

And the effects?

From feeling tired all the time to having trouble learning and playing, hidden hunger can wreak havoc on our bodies. What’s worse, kids and pregnant women are more likely to suffer from the negative effects of hidden hunger. 

Thankfully, there has been a global fight against hidden hunger. A fight parents can become a part of starting in the home. 

In this post, let’s look at the question, “Is hidden hunger real?” and what we need to know as parents to fight it.

The Hidden Culprits: What Causes Hidden Hunger?

Hidden hunger is a real problem that can affect anyone. But it especially affects kids who are growing and developing. 

Poor Diet: Eating Not-so-Healthy Foods

As working parents, we sometimes grab quick meals like pizza on the way home from work. But these choices might not give our kids all the nutrients they need. Hidden hunger isn’t about the growling in our kids’ tummies. It’s about whether they’re getting enough of the right nutrients. So, it’s a must to focus on the quality of the food we give our families.

Making Do 

When families have financial challenges, nutritious options may be more expensive than things like processed food, fast food, or takeout. These choices may fill tummies and meet calorie needs. But often they lack the vital nutrients that keep our bodies strong.

Food Deserts: Where Healthy Food is Hard to Find

Food deserts are places where it’s hard to find stores that sell healthy food nearby. It’s like trying to find oases of nutritious food in a desert of unhealthy options.  Sometimes, parents living in these areas face challenges in finding the right foods for their families.

Low Nutrition Food: Yummy but Empty

Low-nutrition food lacks the good nutrients our kid’s bodies need to thrive. Think of it as snacks and meals that might taste yummy but don’t give our bodies the nutrients they need. Busy parents can find themselves in situations where they rely on low-nutrition food. This can include sugary snacks or fast food because it’s quick and convenient.

Vitamins and Minerals We Need To Fight Hidden Hunger


Now that we’ve cleared up the question, “Is hidden hunger real?”, let’s explore what your kids need to stay healthy and strong. These hidden hunger vitamins are like the building blocks for a healthy body.


Iron helps our kids’ blood do its job. It carries oxygen all around their bodies. And when they don’t have enough iron, they might feel very tired and not have much energy for fun and learning. To beat this, stack up your meat, beans, and spinach since they are full of iron.


Another hidden hunger nutrient we need to talk about is zinc. Zinc acts as a helper for our kids’ bodies when it comes to growth and healing. Without enough zinc, their bodies might not heal as well, and they might not grow as they should. Luckily, you can find zinc in foods like meat, dairy, and nuts.


Iodine is another important player for your kids’ well-being. It’s like brain fuel, helping them think and making sure their brains work well. Plus, it helps with their growth and development. When they don’t have enough iodine, they will have problems with their growth. Plus, the thyroid, an organ in our throats, can get bigger, which can be uncomfortable.  It can also affect their growth and development and even cause brain damage.  Look for iodine in foods like fish and dairy products. Also, iodized salt can also do wonders. 

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a hidden hunger vitamin for our kids’ eyes. It helps them see things, especially when it’s dark outside. Without enough vitamin A, they might have trouble seeing well. Also, they may have a higher risk of getting sick. Foods rich in vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, and leafy greens.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is like a worker that helps our kids’ bodies make new cells. This is super important when their bodies are growing. Without it, they might not grow as well as they should. It could also lead to developmental delays in children. They might not reach important milestones as quickly as they should. 

Add leafy greens, beans, and oranges into their diets to boost how much folic acid they eat.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is great for our kids’ nerves and blood. It helps keep them healthy and strong. When they don’t have enough, their bodies might not work as well. It can lead to pins and needles, lack of energy and weakness. You can find vitamin B12 in foods like meat, fish, and dairy products.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin. It helps them use calcium to build strong bones Also, studies have found that Vitamin D is linked to a better mood. So soaking up the sun will help you and your kids feel better. Foods like eggs and fortified milk are good sources of vitamin D.

6 Solutions to Hidden Hunger


Now, let’s explore how we can tackle hidden hunger head-on. 

Fortification of Foods – A Shared Effort

One strong way to fight hidden hunger is by adding essential nutrients to common foods, This is biofortification. Governments and global teams make sure the right nutrients are added to foods like flour, salt, or rice. 

But, as parents, it’s our job to make sure our kids enjoy these fortified foods as part of their daily meals. We can serve them with love and make sure our little ones get all the good stuff they need to grow up healthy and strong.

Dietary Diversification – A Parent’s Role

As parents, we play a big role in making sure our kids eat a wide range of foods. This means giving them lots of different foods to cover all the important nutrients. It’s like creating a rainbow of colors on their plates. It is a wide array of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and different kinds of proteins. By mixing up their meals, we can be sure they get all the nutrients they need.

Improved Access to Clean Water and Sanitation – A Joint Effort

Getting clean water and having good toilets is important to prevent diseases. These diseases can make hidden hunger worse. When we don’t have access to clean water, it’s like opening the door for germs to come in and cause trouble. These germs can make our bodies weak and less able to use the nutrients we eat. 

Governments and groups work together to make sure more communities have clean water. As parents, we can help by teaching our kids how to wash their hands. This is to keep them safe from illnesses that can stop their bodies from using nutrients properly.

Improved Healthcare – A Collective Responsibility

Making sure we have good healthcare is something we all need to work on together. Governments give everyone access to healthcare services.  This includes regular check-ups, tests, and advice on eating well. As parents, we can make sure our kids see the doctor for their check-ups. We can also ask healthcare professionals about what foods are best for them.

Poverty Reduction – A Global Goal

Fighting poverty can be a tricky puzzle, but it’s important for beating hidden hunger. Organizations such as the United Nations, groups, and communities join forces to help families escape poverty. They do this by creating jobs, improving schools, and offering support. Parents should take advantage of these programs and policies. So they can help their families break free from poverty and their kids can have a brighter future.

Supplements – A Parent’s Safety Net

Sometimes, even when we try our best, it’s hard to give kids all the hidden hunger vitamins they need only from food. In those cases, supplements can be a good idea. Talk to your doctor to see if your kids need supplements and which ones are right for them.

One option that many parents find helpful is First Day Kids multivitamins. In just 10 seconds, parents can give their kids more vitamin D than 200 mushrooms, more folate than 1.5 cups of spinach, and more vitamin B2 than 1.5 cups of milk. This makes it easier for you to ensure your little ones get the nutrients they need for a healthy start in life. 

So, it’s like a win-win. Kids enjoy a yummy treat, and you have the peace of mind of knowing your kids are getting the right nutrients they need to fight hidden hunger.

Discover First Day Kids Multivitamins To Fight Hidden Hunger

So, Is Hidden Hunger Real? – Wrapping It Up

Hidden hunger is a big problem, not just in far away places, but also in our own communities. But guess what? There are ways we can help solve this global problem.

While big solutions need governments and groups to work together, we can also do our part. We can make sure our kids eat a variety of foods and get the hidden hunger vitamins and minerals they need. 

But here’s the secret weapon: First Day Kids multivitamins. These tasty treats give our kids the right nutrients. So, when you’re busy and life gets crazy, you can lean on First Day Kids multivitamins to help bridge the nutritional gap and fight off hidden hunger.

Let’s all team up to end hidden hunger and make sure everyone has the nutrients they need to be healthy and strong!

Discover First Day Kids Multivitamins To Fight Hidden Hunger


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