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What Vitamins Help Bone Aches in Kids?

Do your children constantly complain about having bone aches? Most of the time, parents overlook their children's complaints. They think their Kid gets bone pain, especially at night, because their children are physically active. That's true to some extent.

Your child’s limbs are frequently the areas of pain. Children typically feel these pains in their thighs, calves, shins, or the area behind their knees. These pains may wake up your child at night because they may be uncomfortable.

Kids often experience bone aches because of Vitamin D or Vitamin C deficiency. It would be best to immediately contact your child’s doctor if your child complains of continuous discomfort or other illnesses accompany the pain because it could be more serious.

Besides, this guide can help you to know more about bone aches in kids, their causes and treatment.


What are Bone Aches in Kids?

Bone aches or joint pain is a common complaint among kids. You might sometimes notice your kid complaining about bone aches at the end of a rough day, and they are fine the next day after getting a goodnight’s sleep.

These are typically muscle-growing aches that can get better without any treatment. Bone pains or aches are common in children. As they grow, so do their muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Children frequently express aches and pains due to how swiftly their bodies develop.

According to research, constant discomfort and bone aches, however, can occasionally be a sign of a more severe condition, such as juvenile idiopathic arthritis. When your Kid constantly complains of bone aches, then it’s time to show your Kid to the doctor.

Growing pains have an impact on your child’s musculoskeletal system, which consists of their muscles and bones. These pains typically cause your child’s legs to suffer. They frequently affect children between the ages of 3 and 12 and are not harmful.

Causes of Bone Aches in Kids

Children who are physically active and are in sports are usually prone to bone aches. This implies that their busy daytime activities may cause these pains. They also seem to affect people with flexible joints more frequently.

Bone aches in kids can be because of vitamin D deficiencies. Kids are usually picky eaters, and when they do not eat properly, they do not obtain all the vitamins their bodies need for growth and good function.

Kids who don’t get enough vitamins may develop specific health problems and deficiencies. The more severe cause of bone aches can be lupus, Lyme disease, and leukaemia; that’s why you should show your Kid to the doctor if they complain of bone aches quite frequently.

What Vitamin Deficiencies Can Cause Bone Aches In Kids

Vitamins and minerals are essential for kids to grow up properly, and their bodies need these essential vitamins to function correctly. The health of your Kid’s bones and muscles depends on vitamin D.

The body needs calcium and phosphate for strong, healthy bones, and vitamin D aids in the absorption of these nutrients from meals. Some kids with low vitamin D experience discomfort in their bones and muscles.

Deficient vitamin D levels can lead to illnesses like rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults, resulting in soft bones. Rickets exclusively affects growing children; if a child has weaker bones due to low vitamin D levels, the bones may flex and result in “bow legs” or “knock knees,” among other alterations.

Children with low vitamin D may also have insufficient calcium, resulting in muscle cramps. Low calcium can cause Seizures (convulsions or fits), especially in newborn babies.

The following graphs outline the current vitamin D intake guidelines for kids in the United States.

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for Vitamin D by Age
Age RDA for Vitamin D
0-12 months 400 IU (10 mcg)
1-13 years 600 IU (15 mcg)
14-18 years 600 IU (15 mcg)

How To Know If a Kid is Low on Vitamin D? 

If your Kid has aches in the bones and it occurs frequently, it can be because of vitamin D deficiency. Other essential points can be,

  • Kids with really dark skin. Their dark skin tone (melanin) is a natural sunscreen and lengthens the time they must spend in the sun to consume adequate vitamin D.
  • If your children spend little time outdoors and most of their time indoors. (be sure to adequately apply sunscreen to their bodies to protect them from UV rays before allowing them to go outside)
  • Premature births frequently result in vitamin D deficiency in the infant.
  • Infants exclusively breastfed but don’t get enough sun exposure or supplementary vitamin D are more likely to develop vitamin D deficiencies.
  • Children with illnesses that interfere with the body’s ability to absorb and manage vitamin D, such as liver disease, renal disease, and issues with food absorption.
  • Certain medications in kids with several illnesses do not let Vitamin D absorption in their bodies and can also be low in Vitamin D.

How to Treat Vitamin D Deficiency in Kids?

Children receive vital nutrients from meals that are crucial for their physical and mental development. They receive the crucial nutrients they need to stay healthy and support their growth from the veggies, fruits, and other dairy products like milk, yoghourt, butter, and cheese.

(Note: Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin (Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed with dietary lipids and stored in the body’s liver and fatty tissue. As fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K) can be harmful if they exceed their required limit in the body, it is best to check with your child’s doctor to find out how much vitamin D they need)


Foods Containing Vitamin D for Children Include:

  • Some fish (for example, salmon, sardines, tuna, and herring).
  • Red Meant
  • Eggs, especially egg yolks.
  • Products like plain whole cow’s milk, yoghourt, cereals, and several Vitamin D fortified juices like Orange juice.
  • Mushrooms
  • Almond and rice milk

Children require vitamin D to have healthy bones. Additionally, vitamin D promotes bone healing after trauma or surgery. Most children do not consume enough vitamin D for various reasons, one of which is that they are fussy eaters. They do not consume fruits, vegetables, or other dairy products, resulting in vitamin deficiencies.

Some children do not play outdoors in the sunlight, which might result in vitamin D deficiency.

Some children have chronic conditions that prevent them from absorbing all the vitamins and nutrients from meals; these children may also lack vitamin D.

What to do if your child has such an issue? 

Many Multivitamin brands like First day are available for kids specifically designed to fulfil the deficiency of specific vitamins in the body of your kids.

First Day Multivitamin for kids is one such brand.

  • First Day Kids Daily Essentials for Kids with Achy Bones

In conventional opinion, if your youngster consumes milk and spends time outside, he is getting enough vitamin D. interestingly, not always.

The majority of kids exhibit vitamin D deficiency symptoms as a result of lifestyle changes. Children prefer junk food more than healthy food, they prefer to spend their free time in front of the TV and computer and dislike outdoor play. For the parents, this situation becomes quite worrying.

Multivitamins can benefit you at this point. However, selecting the best one can be challenging with so many Multivitamin brands available on the market. In our opinion, the First Day Multivitamin brand is one of the best for kids. How? Check it out now.

  • As parents, you are always skeptical about vitamins; why because you believe they are made of artificial ingredients, right? But first day gummies produced with 12 organic fruits and vegetables, rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants, making it excellent for Kid’s health.
  • We know you do not want to feed your kids with multivitamins that are rich in artificial sugar; there are children’s vitamins that frequently include more than twice as much sugar in their vitamin gummies. On the contrary, the First-day Multivitamin would give you good fruits and vegetables and give a boost to your kid’s health.
  • In order to provide kids with an irresistible pleasure, the natural flavors in First-day multivitamins are taken from fruits like strawberries and oranges.
  • Specialists developed these multivitamins after extensive research to ensure your kids get the nutrients their bodies require. These multivitamins are produced in Germany. Dr. Giovannucci from, Harvard University, and Dr. Lei Chen, MD, MHS, and Yale University are the first-day Multivitamin’s scientific advisors.
  • First Day multivitamins have 9 essential vitamins that are needed for the cognitive and physical development of your kids; these vitamins are
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B9
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin K2
  • These gummies are created from organic ingredients. They are the best for your child if they are gluten intolerant because they are made with only fruits and vegetables and don’t contain any artificial flavors or colors. They are also vegan, gelatin-free, and non-GMO.
  • The most vital feature of the first-day Multivitamin is its 45-Day Money Back Guarantee. It’s the best Multivitamin you will ever offer to your children. But they recognize that you might be dubious. So worry-free, test it out! Have your kids try a gummy. Return them if you didn’t like them for some reasons.


Children’s aching bones or pain in their bones can be because of various reasons, so we suggest you take your child to the doctor before relying solely on multivitamins because it can be a sign of underlying health issues.

Disclaimer – Only take multivitamins at first if your doctor recommends them.

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